Daily Prayer
As a Staff team we meet every morning and we would love to pray for you. No matter what reality you are in we believe nothing is too big or too small for God. Contact us and we will pray for you in our daily times of prayer.
7AM Morning Prayer
On Wednesday we gather together to pray. Whether you’ve been praying for years or have never prayed before, the heart behind these mornings is to go on a journey of growing in prayer as a community. We meet on Zoom from 7AM and would love to see you there.
Pray For Your Street
Here at St Mark's we have a desire to not only pray for our Church but to pray for the community around us. We encourage all of you to pray for your street! Ask one of the members of staff at one of our Sunday Services
Pre Service Prayer
We love to meet before our 11AM service at 10:15AM to come together and pray together. As we think and pray into our gatherings together, we also seek to hear God's voice and what he is saying to us, for indivudualy and as as a church.